Online stalking, or cyberstalking, is on the rise. Covid-19 has only exasperated the problem, with lockdowns increasing the vulnerability of victims as people continue to spend exponentially more time online. In fact, Paladin (UK’s national stalking advocacy service) reported having a 50% to 70% increase in requests for support around stalking cases during the pandemic.
In one UK study, 358 cases of homicides were analysed. The results indicated that in 94% of these homicides, the victim was stalked before the homicide took place. This statistic indicates how important it is to recognise stalker-like behavior before a potential violence occurs. Organizations who exercise the highest standards of Duty of Care and want to keep their employees safe, understand the importance of detecting signs of stalking before the problem snowballs.
Cyberstalking is on the rise
Stalking on social media:
Stalking via private messaging platforms:
Facebook Messenger
Other stalking techniques:
Virtually visiting victims on street maps
Looking at victim geotags
Hijacking webcams
How Signal Helps
Using Signal, analysts discovered X, a stalker using social media, harassing a client’s employee. In a 4-week span this user sent approximately 1500 social media posts mentioning said employee. The content of X’s posts includes photographs of the employee’s children, mentions 9 hand-written letters posted to the client, marriage proposals, and also sentiment seesawing between love-speech and hate-speech. X also contacted other employees, especially when the desired effect on the first employee wasn’t achieved.
Using the data found, analysts took X’s content and ran it through various analysis steps to prepare a data set to be included in a dossier. The most popular words and phrases were pulled from the posts, then further analysed by Signal.
The prepared dossier was shared with the client so that they could instigated their employee support process for dealing with online harassment.
Benefits of Signal’s Stalker Threat Preventative System
Signal helps prevent the potential psychological trauma of employees, physical harm, and at worst violence or loss of life.
Stalking causes business disruptions as well. Companies whose employees fall victim to stalking will lose productivity each year. Impacts include reduced or lost output, increases in staff turnover, increases in absenteeism, investment required for support programs and increased management overhead. Collectively, victims of stalking will lose approximately $110 billion over a lifespan.
Signal can detect harassment in real time. Client analysts or analysts from Signal can watch for stalker-like behavior and notify you as soon it is detected. This information in turn is used to trigger employee support programs and increased monitoring to ensure escalation doesn't occur.
We can save your employees and business potential time, harm and money. Contact us to learn more or schedule a demo.